Real Time Analytics With Spring

David Turanski

Luke Taylor

Real Time Analytics

What's happening right now?

  • Event driven
  • Notify humans or systems in real time
  • Simple counters and metrics
  • Aggregate Counters
  • Gauges, Moving Average
  • Complex Event Processing

Spring XD Overview

One stop shop for:

  • Data Ingestion
  • Real-time Analytics
  • Workflow Orchestration
  • Data Export
  • Built on existing Spring Assets
    • Spring Integration, Batch, Data

XD='extreme data'

Spring XD

  • Open source Apache license
  • Out of the box executable servers
    • not a bunch of jars
  • Pluggable Module system
  • Configuration via High level DSL, CLI, and REST services

Spring XD DSL

Based on Unix pipes and filters syntax

  • http | file
  • http --port=8080 | file --rootDir=/data/

'http' and 'file' are Module names

Spring XD Streams

  • A Stream is composed of Modules
  • A Module is a Spring bean definition file
    • Built with Spring Integration or Spring Batch
    • Exposes properties via property placeholders
  • Module types include: source, processor, sink, job, trigger
  • A Stream is defined using the DSL as [source] | [p1] | ...| [pn] | [sink] (where is a chain of processors)
  • XD provides a number of modules out of the box. See Spring XD Technical Documentation for details.
  • You can install custom modules

Anatomy of a Stream

XD Single Node

Spring XD Taps

A Tap is a stream whose source is a point in an existing stream

  • Taps are primarily used for real time analysis
  • Example:
    • twittersearch --query=Bieber | file
    • tap:twittersearch > field-value-counter --fieldName=entities.hashtags.text

Spring XD Metrics

Spring XD provides persistent and in-memory Metrics Repositories

  • Metrics are modules
    • commonly act as sinks for taps
  • XD includes the following Metrics
    • Counter
    • Field Value Counter
    • Aggregate Counter
    • Gauge
    • Rich Gauge
  • See Spring XD Analytics Documentation for details.

What is GemFire?

Pivotal GemFire
  • A memory-oriented data grid that supports widely distributed architectures
  • High throughput, low latency, and scalability
  • Reliable event notification and guaranteed delivery
  • Continuous querying
  • Remote function execution
  • Language Interoperability: C++, C# and Java client applications
  • Supports various distributed system topologies
  • Full Spring support (Spring Data GemFire)
  • Well positioned for real time analytics

GemFire Function Execution

  • Efficient way to process large data volumes "where the data lives"
  • Java code deployed to GemFire server nodes
  • The Function runs on local cache node and transports results over the network to the process that executed the function (Execution)
  • Function Execution aggregates results using a ResultCollector

GemFire Continuous Query

  • Good for asynchronous notification of data updates
  • Client subscribes to a data query and binds it to a QueryListener callback
  • GemFire invokes the QueryListener whenever the query's result set changes state

The Demo

Perform real time analytics on the Twitter stream

  • Create a Twitter ingest stream with XD
  • Create taps on the Twitter stream to feed XD Metrics
  • Create a tap to pull selected data into GemFire for deeper analysis
    • Show how to build and deploy a custom processor
  • Execute a GemFire Function to perform a complex analysis of hash tags
  • Dashboard web app to view analytics

Demo Components


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Related sessions

  • Thu 12:45 Real Time Event Processing and Decision Making - Lyndon Adams
  • XD and Pivotal HD Demo - Demo lounge

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